From Jackill's Guide to Light Attack Craft:
This Starfighter was original designed during the service of the Constitution class starship. It served for many years until the fighters were discontinued. During its service, it was quite effective. As an emergency measure, fighters of this class were restored to service in the start of the war against the Dominion. While the loss of fighters was enormous, they help hold the line until the Peregrine warp fighter entered full service.
During its service, the fighter fills the roles of interceptor, warp pursuit fighter, long range attack, and light patrol. It was though initially that the runabout would fill the role of the Warp fighter but was far more expensive and required larger crews to operate effectively.
In physical appearance, the ship is very blocky and is shaped much like a very slender shuttlecraft but the ship is not designed to carry passengers but is instead a photon torpedo and phaser platform. The height of the fighter includes the landing gear and the fighter would be much smaller if the landing gear was not included. The pilot and copilot sit forward in the fighter but enter through a door in the side of the shuttle. A small compartment in back of the ship has all the supplies and equipment for the crew.
While the fighter is not capable of as fast a warp speed as most large ships, the ability of the fighter to travel at warp speeds allows the fighter to make strikes beyond the star system that the star fighter is based in.
Because of the space taken up by the warp drive systems, the ship has less powerful shields and armor than the ship could normally carry because the ship does not have enough space for as powerful shield generators.
The fighter is well armed. The fighter carries a light phaser cannon in the nose of fighter for both fighting other fighters and when both of the photon torpedoes have been launched. The fighter carries a very compact photon torpedo launcher underneath the fighter. These launchers can fire either full sized photon torpedoes or can be fitted to carry a smaller mini-torpedo. The larger torpedoes allows the fighter to damage much larger ships than itself such as cruisers..
This design is written to be able to interact with modified phase world rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World. There is a lack of hard detail on this ship. Some materials have suggested accelerations that are simply beyond scope. I have taken a moderate level in writing up this starship for Phase World because otherwise the ship would either be far too powerful or far too weak for Phase World. Warp speeds are far slower than the FTL speeds for Phase World but they are very close to those from the original series and Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. Also, a note on the mass of starships. The original sources indicated much smaller masses for starships than Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual does and where possible, both masses are listed for the gamers to choose which one seems most appropriate.
Model Type: ARG-124.
Vehicle Type: Warp Pursuit/Light Patrol Fighter.
Crew: Two (Pilot and Weapon Officer)
M.D.C. By Location:
Forward Phaser Cannons (2): | 60 each | |
Photon Torpedo Launcher: | 80 | |
Impulse Engine: | 200 | |
Warp Nacelles | 180 each | |
Cockpit: | 150 | |
[1] Main Body: | 600 | |
[2] Variable Force Field: | 300 per side (1,800 total) |
[1] Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the fighter out of
commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support
and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating
[2] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one
shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (90 MDC) per melee round.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible (Fighter can land on the
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship
to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate
at the rate of 1.2 percent of light per melee.
As an alternative, the starship can reach .99 of the speed of light
but is normally restricted to slower speeds so that starship is not effected
severely by time attenuation that occurs at the higher sublight speeds.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 7.5, can
enter an atmosphere because fighter has anti-gravity systems.
Stardrive: Uses a warp engine that allow ship to travel at Warp
Factor 4.5 on cruise (0.01 LY / hour), Warp Factor 5.3 Flank (0.017 LY
/ hour ), and Warp Factor 6.8 Emergency (0.036 LY / Hour). Warp speed is
raised to the third power to figure out how many times the speed of light
the ship travels. These speeds are very slow when compared to Phase World
ship, so if used in that universe, they could be increased enough to operate
within Three Galaxy speeds but should not exceed them.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but only
has supplies for pilot and gunner for four weeks
Statistical Data:
Length: 80.2 feet (24.4 meters)
Height: 14.4 feet (4.4 meters)
Width: 43.4 feet (13.4 meters)
Weight: 25 tons (22.7 metric tons)
Power System: Advanced Micro Fusion with 5 year life span.
Cargo: Small Storage Space, 5 feet x 7 feet x 6 feet. Used for
emergency equipment and weapons.
Market Cost: 75 million to construct.
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Technical information from Jackill's Guide to Light Attack Craft
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
I would like to recognize Henning Rogge as giving assistance with the revision of the Star Trek starships.
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998 and 2000, Kitsune. All rights reserved.